As D & P Communications has grown, our business customers have asked us to fulfill some of their IT needs including building and managing more complex IT networks. For the past year we’ve been expanding not only our Business Solutions service offerings but also our Business Solutions team in order to serve more of these corporate needs.
Breece Kelly joined D & P as a Business Account Executive in late 2019. Breece serves as a liaison between our customers and our Business Solutions technicians to develop an IT solution that fills the needs of the organization.
“Many of the businesses I am helping are businesses that I frequently visit,” said Breece. “Building those relationships and seeing local businesses succeed in our area is really important to me.”
Prior to joining D & P’s Business Solutions team, Breece worked in sales management roles for Target and McKinley, Inc. “It was important that my next career move brought me closer to home,” said Breece, who worked for McKinley. Inc. in Ann Arbor for the previous five years. “I wanted to engage with the community more and I felt that this role at D & P would allow me to fulfill that goal. I also wanted more of a work-life balance so joining a company that is family-oriented was important to me.”
Breece’s role not only allows her to engage with local businesses, but she also has the opportunity to engage with local organizations. She serves as an ambassador for the Adrian Area and Tecumseh Chamber of Commerce and was recently appointed to the Community Learning Connections Board of Directors. “I love that I have the opportunity to volunteer as part of my job,” said Breece.
“My previous positions were for companies that were highly focused on customer service,” said Breece. “Building relationships and showing people value are still important to me so the move to D & P was an easy transition since they are also focused on those local relationships and customer service.”
Breece has worked closely with our technicians to learn more about networks and technology so that she can help clients identify the right options for their specific type of business. “Being both local and customizable helps us provide exactly what a customer needs as opposed to our competitors, who are large corporations, who lack that type of flexibility,” explained Breece.
Breece has lived in Southeastern Michigan for many years and currently makes her home in Tecumseh. She graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a degree in journalism and communications and moved into management positions early on in her career.
“Now that my children are growing, I began to value different things from a career,” said Breece. “Working with the Business Solutions team at D & P has been a rewarding change and I’m excited to help customers learn more about our great team and our services.”