D & P Communications
Watch TV Everywhere

Watch TV Everywhere

Watch TV on your computer, tablet or phone with D&P Communications

Do any of these situations sound familiar? You want to watch a movie, but the kids would rather turn on Spongebob — and there’s only one TV. Or you’re on the road, but you really want to catch the game.

As a D&P Communications subscriber, you have access to a service called TV Everywhere. With TV everywhere, you can watch your favorite cable channels wherever you are — whether it’s on your laptop at the kitchen table, on your tablet while traveling out of town, or even on your smartphone while you’re waiting for your number to be called at the Secretary of State.

Here’s how it works: Just go to WatchTVEverywhere.com and choose D&P Communications from the dropdown menu at the top of the page. Use your D&P email and account number to create a login, then just click on the channel you want to watch.

Here are a few more things you should know about WatchTVEverywhere:

Click here if you’d like to learn more about WatchTVEverywhere — or here if you want to jump in right away! And if you’re not a D&P subscriber yet, just give us a call at 800-311-7340 and find out what we can do for you.

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