D & P Communications
Employee Spotlight: Marcy Brown – Business Development Manager

Employee Spotlight: Marcy Brown – Business Development Manager

August 9th, 2022

In our Employee Spotlight, we introduce someone who many around Lenawee County already know. For over three decades she’s served the community in banking and in philanthropic roles. But today we’ll learn more about who she is and find out everything from her favorite ice cream to her favorite game—one she’s loved since growing up in Africa.

Who Are You?

“My name is Marcy Brown, I’m the Business Development Manager for D & P Communications. I’m married, we have three wonderful children, four beautiful grandchildren, with a fifth grandson on the way.  I have been serving in business development and sales roles here in Lenawee County and surrounding communities for just over 30 years.”

Marcy grew up in a family that valued missions, service to others, and education, which has led her to take an active role in giving back to Lenawee County. She serves as the chair for Promedica’s Charles and Virginia Hickman Hospital, an Athena Council member, and board member of the Lenawee Community Education Foundation.

When Did You Start at D & P?

May of 2022

What Brought you to D & P?

Brown stated, “D & P Communications has a really well-established reputation here in the community.” She also said that she’s drawn to delivering quality products and services to people. It’s that high level of local service that brought her here.

What’s Your Favorite Part, So Far?

“Getting to know the team members here that I’ll be working alongside of, and the way each of their departments impacts services delivered to local businesses.” said Brown. But what she’s really looking forward to is reuniting with businesses that’s she’s been working with for so many years and serving them in a whole new way.

 What Should Businesses Know About Working with D & P?

Marcy replied, “Most people know our tagline, Connecting You to What Matters Most, and that’s important and remains the primary focus of our services.” She added that the company offers various services that some businesses may not realize are part of D & P’s product offerings, such as phone systems, managed IT and a streaming app called D & P TV Streaming.

What do you Like to Do in Your Spare Time?

When she’s not at work you can find Marcy either in the kitchen or outside. She said, “Spending time with family and friends and serving them along the way is one of my favorite things.” She also enjoys golfing in warm weather, and hunting in the fall and winter seasons, with her husband Tim.

What’s Your Favorite Childhood Moment?

“My most memorable childhood moment involved being outdoors. As a kid we visited family in California and went to Redwood National Forest. If you’ve never been, it’s amazing.” Marcy said. “Just looking up at these trees that span so high and so wide, it’s incredible.”

Marcy’s Favorites

TV Show: Everybody Loves Raymond
Movie: A tie between Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, or if I want to look at amazing scenery, Lord of the Rings
Book: Not an avid book reader, but I did enjoyed “Journey to the Center of the Earth”
Food: Mashed Potatoes
Restaurant: African or Indian
Color: Green
Sport: Basketball Sports Team: For college the University of Michigan, but as a kid I really admired Isaiah Thomas on the Pistons
Vacation Spot: Lake Lure, North Carolina
Summer-Time Activity:  Golf
What are Some Causes You Care About?: They’re definitely surrounding the boards that I serve on.  I appreciate the Athena Council, which promotes women and their roles of potential leadership in the workplace. I’m also very excited about the Ebeid Neighborhood Promise project that’s coming to Adrian thanks to ProMedica’s attention to address the social determinants of health.
Gift: A mother’s ring that I got from my husband, recognizing our three children
Candy Bar: Payday
Game: Mancala – I grew up playing it in Africa
Superhero: The Wonder Twins
Ice Cream: Coffee
Song: I love music and I love to sing.  I grew up in church so nothing tops some great contemporary songs but going Old school—”Electric Avenue” by Eddy Grant . Currently—“Fireball” by Pitbull.
Band: I grew up loving Janet Jackson and Run DMC, but today Pitbull and any good rapper or beatboxer will do.
Chips: Plantain Chips
Zoo Animal: Monkeys
Place to Shop: The home décor store, At Home
Toy as a Child: Kickball
Quote: “Happiness is like a kiss, you have to share it to enjoy it.”
Place You’d Like to Visit: New Zealand, so I can see where they filmed Lord of the Rings
Dream Car: Not a car, but a custom cruiser-style motorcycle
Disney Character: Donald Duck

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